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Leveraging Connections & Power

Through networking, we build community and foster meaningful connections. By actively engaging as a network we spark social capital opportunities that allow individuals to tap into a diverse range of expertise, knowledge, and connections. Through those connections, PoC members can seek out mentors, advisors, and peers who can offer guidance, advice, and insights. Additionally, a strong network leveraging social capital can provide access to job opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships.

How we make an impact.

Equity — act as a vehicle to funnel funding and resources to help build a demographic of historically unseen professionals of color in the planning field.

Development and Growth — create educational resources and opportunities to promote and grow our network to enhance welcoming and sustainable places.


Community — create fortified connections within our network that are supportive and engaged. Through social connections, we support the development of individual resilience. A place people can reach back for advice and encouragement. A sounding board that people draw on to “get by” and cope with daily problems in the "day of a Planner." 

Collaboration with the Friends of the Network — create partnership with champions and organizations willing to influence change through helping us build presence and grow collectively.

Our Impact
By The Numbers


170+ members

Link up to Jobs

21 secured jobs

Education/ Training

Over 85 PoC received specialized training or resources that will make an impact in the field

“In the Planners of Color I have found community. Also, it is a safe space to raise sensitive questions, not only professionally but also personally."


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