How we make an impact.
Equity — Members of the network advocate for funding and resources for communities historically unseen.
Development and Growth—The network provides educational resources and scholarships for the growth of expertise in the planning and community development field.
Community—The network fosters supportive and engaged connections within our network. Through strong social capital building, members of the network leverage these connections as a sounding board, support, and introduction to potential employers.
Collaboration with the Friends of the Network — The network creates partnerships with champions and organizations willing to influence change through helping us build presence and grow collectively.
“In the Planners of Color I have found community. Also, it is a safe space to raise sensitive questions, not only professionally but also personally."
Our Impact
By The Numbers
200+ BIPOC Professionals from the Planning field
Link up to Jobs
21 secured jobs
Education/ Training
Over 85 PoC members received specialized training or resources that will make an impact in the field